Crouching Eagle, Hidden Fishbed
Dear All,
it’s been a while since we have posted something. The last few months were a real adventure for everyone, but as things appear to calm down we finally think now is a good time to say what was has been happening behind the door and what are we up to for the remainder of this year.
First to explain our silence, it’s fair to say that although that the beginning of this year has been very productive, the unfolding of the Corona virus has affected us just as everybody else. Although our development did not slow down, some of our plans were disrupted. As much as we are used to working remotely, this quarantine time has been a bit hectic. But that also created for us opportunities to think of some new features and give additional time to existing modules. With that in mnd, we hope you all are healthy and safe and without further ado, let’s have a look at what is going on!
DCS MiG-21bis Fishbed and Christen Eagle II

Since the beginning of the year we’ve been focusing on the MiG-21bis code optimization. Our module has been released a fairly long time ago, to a much different version of the DCS. As the years were passing, DCS was changing significantly, improving overall users experience exponentially. But for the same reason, with more and more updates, more things tended to stop working the way they were intended to work. Thus we took an effort to rewrite a significant portion of the code behind the module to reduce overall memory and CPU usage, with the benefit of the improved performance which users might have noticed over the past few weeks.
This process, which was implemented in March, created some new bugs and issues that users have experienced, such as unusual flight model behavior, crashes or various other performance issues. This was not intentional. Continuing code improvements, we’ve focused on rectifying newly appeared issues. The following is a short list of intended changes:
- Resolved the weapons selector knob causing DCS to crash by matching repository versions.
- Fixed High Angles of Attack bug.
- Improved wing stall characteristics.
- Tuned ailerons efficiency at high Angles of Attack
- Rudder and elevator characteristics tuned.
- Trimmer speed tuned.
- Suspension model improved that will enable take-off and landing on some grass surfaces (feature still work in progress)
- ASP gun sight fixed net and piper illumination levels corrected for day and night operations.
- Radio-altimeter hot-start value was decreased from 200 m to 100 m.
- Landing gear lock sound fixed.
- SAU and Autopilot tuning.
Some of those updates were added today, and the rest of them will be added in the following patches in the upcoming weeks as we usually try to release a larger package rather than individual fixes. Further fixes and upgrades, requiring 3d model improvements first, will comprise of reanimating the drag chute which will allow landings with open drag chute as seen on various videos (this however will require removal of the collision model of the drag chute), numerous aircraft light and landing gear position lights improvements.
Furthermore we’ve made an effort to rework the entire MiG-21bis campaign. As such all campaign missions were redone, illustrated and improved (in English language only). Similarly all instant missions, single missions and multiplayer template mission were also redone, illustrated and improved. Russian variations will follow once translated.
Last but not least, we’ve been experimenting on a more realistic rendering technology for ASP gunsight and RP-22 radar scope in our MiG-21bis module. This is a major technological improvement for us and will be applicable for other modules such as F4U-1D Corsair’s Mk-8 gunsight and our future F-8J Crusader gunsight & radar scope. The experimental ground mapping radar is coded to utilize multi-threaded cpu operations outside the DCS environment. For proper integration, this will require technical support from Eagle Dynamics. We have recently contacted them and await their input to proceed with integrating it into DCS. As soon as this feature thoroughly tested, we will release it.
Below we present to you an early version of it along with further improvements of the afterburner. Keep in mind that the following features are still WIP and were not yet integrated into DCS, as such the preview was made using external software and does not represent the final product:
As for our second released module, the Christen Eagle II, we have produced a sizeable package of improvements. Our primary concern was the flight model. The following is a list of intended changes:
- Engine torque characteristics were tuned
- Engine gyroscopic effects were tuned
- Propwash effect was tuned
- P-factor effects were tuned
- Aircraft stability was tuned to retain previously matched capabillities and performance
- Suspension model was improved allowing the aircraft to takeoff and land on some grass surfaces
- Implemented instrument panel gauges’ oscillations / vibration depending on engine state and external factors (related to aircraft movement)
- Navigation light switch bug was fixed
- Over-priming the engine with more than 5 pumps floods the engine.
- Added pilot’s flashlight input.
Chance-Vought F4U-1D Corsair
Our development of the F4U-1D Corsair continues. After VFAT, there was an extensive improvements to the airframe’s 3d model, while at the same time adding the final elements of the onboard equipment within the cockpit. Recently our coder has implemented the radio equipment, which we have described in one of the previous updates. Within the limits of the DCS World environment, we took an effort to implement a Ye/Zb radio navigation system used by U.S. aircraft during WW2 as means to navigate to the desired aircraft carrier, and later to airfields.
Essex Class Aircraft Carrier and other assets
As we’ve mentioned a few months ago, our intention is to deliver the F4U-1D not only as a module but as an entire package containing a few more features, including an aircraft carrier and Ai units. Exact contents are not decided yet and they depend on many things, but apart from the Essex Class Aircraft Carrier we’ve been working on some ground units to build a very basic environment for the F4U-1D. A variety of such assets include the Japanese Type 89, Type 95 and Type 97 tanks, Type 94 truck (in a few versions) and the 25 mm Type 96 gun, 75 mm Type 88 cannons. A complete package of contents will be disclosed closer to the release date!
Vought Aeronautics F-8J Crusader

Similarly as with the Corsair module, another Vought creation is a few steps closer to release. The work on a proper final model and texturing for it has begun, while at the same time possession of the simplified model allows us to begin basic coding. We’ve managed to successfully go through initial implementation comprised of core files, allowing us to operate the aircraft both as an Ai unit and as player controlled. Currently we’re focusing on adding more functionalities and improving aircraft integration into the DCS World environment.
See you in the skies!